LIVE: Assembly

Boost your event with Extended Reality

Do you want to extend the lifecycle and maintain the momentum of your event, increase ticket sales and added revenue stream all year round?

At The Cultural Assembly we aim to build authentic connections with our Extended Reality (XR) toolkit that empowers you with the best applications and solution to diversify your revenue streams, cultivate a new followers and futureproof your event.  

Let us guide you through the process of producing measurable value for your event, audience and overall business growth.

Extend the life cycle of your event

The way we experience entertainment is changing.

As your creative technology partner, we understand advances in technology is moving fast, it can be tricky to get right, without being gimmicky and vacuous. Our aim is to empower your business by designing additional value for your Live event with AR and VR experiences with real purpose in mind. Whilst boosting engagement by 200%  you can grow your audience, empathy and insights to transform big data and meet KPI’s that matter.

Boost the value of Live Events


We reimagine productions & opportunities for interactive innovation


Our immersive VR experiences connect people to new spaces and ideas


The power of collaborative storytelling drives learning and meaningful change

Free to do things differently

Innovation is driven by connecting ideas with your community first.  We create public driven spaces fuelled by apps, that are compelling and resonate with your audience with purpose. By extending the reach and impact of your live production with creative emerging technology, you’re able to increase engagement and compelling immersive experiences that translate into great word of mouth.

Tech Features


Custom designed dashboard to inform, create, manage content and experiences with your community

Tech Toolkit

360 videos, Holograms, AR, VR, Interactive screens and digital content can expand and share on social & media platforms

White Label App

Bespoke App creation and/or tech solutions that work specifically with your live event needs in mind.

XR Distribution

Your VR, AR (XR) content compatible across hardware headsets, mobile operating systems and web browsers in 360.

Monetization Tools

Expand your revenue XR attracts additional revenue models and opportunities for your business

Data & Analytics

Data becomes life with enhanced behaviour analysis and engagement analytics and data capture are increased and measurable.

Ready for something different?

We’ve got the reputation, technical and innovative spirit to launch your event into the future.

© 2023 THE CULTURAL ASSEMBLY. All rights reserved